The Gate ~ Houdini's Magic Movie Ticket
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Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Gate

I saw this movie on TV a few years back, when there was no "info" available to narrow down the title to a movie that had already started. It was good for a scary movie, but I only saw part of it, and only once.

For years I wondered about it, and what it was called. For some reason, I connected one part of the film with a part at the end of "Scrooged," starring "Bill Murray," when the ghost of Christmas future reveals gremlins living in his ribcage. I think that's because "The Gate" features miniature demons that looked similar. For all I know, they may have looked identical!

"The Gate" is about kids and a gate to Hell or some similar place in their backyard. It's definitely worth a watch, because it's fairly unique for a horror film. It's not the best movie in the world, but for me it was one of those things I wondered about for a long time. When I finally saw it on TV again, it was great. Mystery solved!

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