One of my pet peeves is people who deem it necessary to say something in the middle of a movie that we're all watching for the first time. If we've seen it a few times, and there's nothing new on the screen, then sure, talking is fine. But the first time you watch a movie should be sacred.
The directors, produces, writers, and actors didn't intend for you to hear your friend's comments during the course of the film. If they did, the remarks would be included in the movie and audible to all. Instead, they planned the film as deeply as they could, putting great attention on the details of each moment, to produce to desired effect.
A movie is a piece of art. It is designed to be taken in and enjoyed as is, without any extraneous contributions. A lot of careful planning went into each moment that goes on film, and talking puts all of that effort to waste. It ruins the moment.
Talking during a movie that someone hasn't seen before is disrespectful. It's like taking them to the museum to see a painting, and then shooting the art with a paintball gun. "Neat art, huh?"
Someone with respect for someone else's observational skills and right to enjoy a film would not talk during a movie. Someone with respect for the work that was put in to create just the right effect to make the viewer feel a certain way should not speak during the climax of the film. Alas, many do, and many don't seem to understand any of this. "It's just a stupid movie." "Yeah, if you talk it is!" If you enjoyed this post, please think about becoming a subscriber to my RSS feed.
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