I recently watched the "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" movie, and noticed something I'd never seen before. It was written by Joss Whedon, the creator of the TV series! That blew my mind, because before I had just assumed that the series was a more serious (and totally separate) take on the romantic comedy. Now I know they are connected through Whedon. Cool.
I actually like the movie better than the show. I like the actors better, the style, the lighter tone, and the music. I also thought the movie was pretty funny at some parts. Plus there are a lot of actors that I recognize from other projects. I especially think it's neat that Ben Affleck made a brief appearance as a basketball player.
Ok, let me just rattle off the names of the higher profile actors in the film: Kristy Swanson, Donald Sutherland, Paul Reubens, Rutger Hauer, Luke Perry, Hilary Swank, Stephen Root, and Ben Affleck. All these guys are great. Just fantastic. Stephen Root especially. When I first watch this film, I didn't quite "get" him, but now that I've seen him in other stuff, it's great to come back to an earlier role and reanalyze it.
I wonder what a sequel with all the original actors would have been like? If you enjoyed this post, please think about becoming a subscriber to my RSS feed.
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