Way at the bottom of the "Beetle Juice" page at IMDB, in the user comments, someone intelligently and eloquently wrote that Beetle Juice is the kind of movie that we don't get to see anymore -- "pure art packaged to simultaneously look and play like accessible mainstream motion pictures."
What genius! I agree wholeheartedly with the comment's author, as the more I watch "Beetle Juice," the more I see.
My childhood viewings of the film were able to just scratch the surface of the layers of information poured into this movie. And at every layer, even the most superficial, it's supremely enjoyable. Whoever commented on it at IMDB made me realize this when he/she wrote that the movie "is superficially a haunted-house comedy, superficially a movie that would appeal to children, superficially a supernatural fantasy. But what it really is, like David Byrne's 'True Stories,' is a modern art piece set to film."
I love that! Some movies are exactly what they seem to be, and you can absorb everything in one viewing. Others are so complex that you have to go back and rewind, and can't fully enjoy them until you've sat through at least 3 or 4 viewings. But "Beetle Juice" is one of those rare films where every time you watch it, you enjoy it for unique and different reasons. It's like ten movies in one. Packed with entertainment. Highly recommended. If you enjoyed this post, please think about becoming a subscriber to my RSS feed.
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